HYDRO PHYSIO is a range of leading aquatic therapy treadmills designed and developed by a company with over 40 years of manufacturing experience.
Therapeutic and wellness communities are increasingly recognising the benefits of water based exercise. HYDRO PHYSIO is the next step for upright aquatic therapy, wellness in water and hydro training.
Studies suggest that upright movement and exercise in water offer particular therapy benefits, easing discomfort and promoting physical and mental wellbeing. Our website aims to show you the range of people who can benefit from HYDRO PHYSIO and illustrates how the products can be used.
We manufacture products that are both innovative and of the highest quality. Designs that are making a difference to users throughout the world.
Manufacturing Standards
HYDRO PHYSIO systems are manufactured under the Quality Management System:
- BS EN ISO 9001:2015
Within an FDA registered facility which operates an Occupational Health & Safety Management System (complying with the requirements of BS EN ISO 45001:2018) and they are CE marked.
ISO 9001 certified by BSI under certificate number FM 25162.
See how it works
Ease of Access
- Step in through the outward opening door
- Set and fill the temperature controlled water height
- Set and start the required treadmill speed in forward or reverse
- Add resistance jets or treadmill incline
- Complete a therapy session and drain the treadmill
- Step out
Contact us for a reference site. With over 1,000 HYDRO PHYSIO systems sold worldwide, seeing working treadmills in action is always a possibility.
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